
PR Plan

Dundee Hills Winegrowers Association Plan

Written for Dundee Hills Winegrowers Association. This plan was carefully curated for the client. This plan from a strategic planning class showcases my ability to work with a client and produce a solution to their problem

Feature Story

DJ Anti-Purpose

One of my favorite feature stories I have written is an interview with Jake Alshammiry. In this feature story, Jake shares his journey on how he began DJing and where he is today.

News Release + Pitch

Medlink Healthcare Group Pte. Ltd

A news release + a pitch email I wrote for my strategic writing and media relations class

Music Festival Blog

Top 5 Festival Themes

A topic of my very own passion, I wrote this blog post to my audience, knowing many have the same question and sharing practical and helpful tips.



Here I share with you my favorite two pieces of infographics I created in the last year. The first, is a call to action urging readers to learn of Narcan and be proactive in overdose prevention and emergencies. The second was created for a psychology class.

Non-Profit Appeal Letter

This Must Be the Place

A nonprofit appeal letter I wrote for a public relations communications course written as if I was the Chief Executive Director and Founder of the company.